
受害者发起请愿 呼吁彻查神韵艺术团虐待与操控行为

8月29日,受害者“Clare Chen”在change网发起请愿——《呼吁彻查神韵艺术团的虐待和操纵行为》,请求纽约州儿童保护服务局和美国司法部对这些严重指控进行全面调查,并采取必要措施,确保神韵艺术团对其违法行为承担应有的法律责任。请愿列举了神韵艺术团的五宗罪:1. 限制自由。2. 健康忽视。3. 低工资和无报酬。4. 恐惧气氛。5. 威胁和恐吓。截至9月8日,有2242人签名。以下为请愿中英文版:

 Call for a Thorough Investigation into Shen Yun Performing Arts' Abuse and Manipulation

29 August 2024

As a concerned American citizen, I am deeply shocked and outraged by the recent New York Times investigation published on August 16, 2024, titled "Abuse and Manipulation." The report reveals severe abuse and manipulation of young performers by Shen Yun Performing Arts at its headquarters, Dragon Springs, in New York State. These actions not only violate fundamental human rights but also undermine core American values.

The investigation highlights five major concerns about Shen Yun Performing Arts:

1. Restriction of Freedom: Many performers are forced to join Shen Yun at a young age and are not allowed to leave the institution without special permission. They are only permitted to see their families during a two-week summer break each year.

2. Neglect of Health: Performers are required to continue dancing even when injured and often cannot receive necessary medical care.

3. Low Wages and Unpaid Work: Performers work long hours under high pressure with minimal pay or, in some cases, no compensation at all.

4. Atmosphere of Fear: The environment at Dragon Springs is described as fear-inducing, with strict control over the personal lives of performers, impacting their mental health.

5. Threats and Intimidation: Those attempting to leave are threatened with demands to repay substantial scholarship and living expenses, potentially amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

These abuses and manipulations are occurring at the headquarters of Falun Gong in New York State, and Shen Yun Performing Arts must be held accountable. The New York Times' investigation has provided thorough evidence, with meticulous fact-checking and legal review. We urge the U.S. Department of Justice and New York State CPS to conduct a comprehensive investigation into these serious allegations and take appropriate action to ensure that Shen Yun Performing Arts is held legally responsible for their misconduct.

Please take action to protect the rights and safety of young performers and uphold our core values by addressing these grave abuses.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Petition Organizer:Clare Chen





1. 限制自由:表演者在十几岁时被迫加入神韵,并在没有特别许可的情况下被禁止离开学校,只有在一年一次的两周暑假期间才能见到父母。

2. 健康忽视:表演者即使受伤也被迫继续跳舞,通常无法获得适当的医疗帮助。

3. 低工资和无报酬:表演者在长时间的高强度工作中,工资极低,甚至有时候没有报酬。

4. 恐惧气氛:龙泉寺内部的管理环境充满恐惧,对演员的个人生活进行严密控制,影响了他们的心理健康。

5. 威胁和恐吓:希望退出的表演者被威胁,要求偿还高额的奖学金和食宿费用,这些费用可能高达数十万美元。




请愿发起人:Clare Chen





  评法轮功对《纽约时报》文章的回应;我对法轮功的思考(四) 部分稿子: 下面我想说一说法轮功媒体抓特务的事情。 在《纽约时报》出这篇报导的前后,法轮功媒体出了多个长篇报导,主题是:最近社会上发生的针对法轮功和神韵的攻击,幕后的总策划是中共。中共正在动用一切资源试图消灭神韵。 章...